有許多人學習八級樂理的時侯只會不斷做pastpaper, 但其實在做題目的同時也可以看看八樂理的評分準則, 這是不少考生也會忽略的, 以下是八級樂理考試的marking criteria, 大家亦可以前往abrsm 的網址下載
Question 1
Marks | Description |
12–15 marks |
- Correct interpretation of the bass figuring
- Imitative figures have been well observed and utilised
- Added parts maintain the style and texture of the remainder, and have shapeliness of line
- Grammatical aspects are generally correct
- Adherence to the compass and practicalities of the instruments involved
10–11 marks |
- Correct interpretation of the bass figuring
- Some awareness and utilisation of imitative figures
- The overall texture and sense of style is acceptable
- A limited number of grammatical errors
- The compass and practicalities of the instruments involved are mostly adhered to
8–9 marks |
- Some errors in interpretation of bass figuring
- Limited awareness and utilisation of imitative figures
- Poor awareness of style and texture in the added parts
- Numerous grammatical faults
- Some incomplete beats in the added parts
- Poor adherence to compass and practicalities of instruments involved
5–7 marks |
- Numerous errors in interpretation of bass figuring
- Little rhythmic interest or contrapuntal awareness
- No proper sense of style or texture
- Widespread grammatical inaccuracy
- Numerous incomplete beats in the added parts
- Little thought given to the compass or practicalities of the instruments involved
Question 2
Marks | Description |
12–15 marks |
- A satisfactory overall harmonic structure, with any modulations correctly treated
- Style and texture of the given material has been well followed in the added parts
- Any particular musical features (imitative figures, sequence, etc.) have been observed and well utilised
- Any changes of clef have been observed
- There are few grammatical errors
10–11 marks |
- The overall harmonic scheme is generally satisfactory, and modulations (if present) reasonably well handled
- Some attempt to maintain a sense of style and texture in the added parts
- Changes of clef (if present) have generally been observed
- A limited number of grammatical errors
8–9 marks |
- A poor harmonic structure, and modulations (if present) not well handled
- Poor overall unity of style and texture
- Non-utilisation of any specific musical features
- Changes of clef (if present) not observed
- Numerous grammatical errors
- One or two bars not completed
5–7 marks |
- Little awareness of the harmonic structure
- No proper attempt to maintain style or texture of the given material
- No attempt to use any specific musical features contained in the given material
- Changes of clef (if present) not observed
- Widespread grammatical inaccuracy
- A number of bars not completed
Question 3
Marks | Description |
16–20 marks |
- Musically convincing, with a good overall sense of shape and direction
- The style/character of the given opening has been well maintained
- Melodic/rhythmic features of the given opening have been imaginatively developed and utilised
- Awareness of anacrusic nature of the given opening, if present
- The melody is suited to, and within the compass of, the stipulated instrument
- Dynamics/performance directions have been musically applied
13–15 marks |
- The melody has some sense of shape and direction
- Some attempt has been made to maintain the style/character of the given opening
- Melodic/rhythmic
features of the given opening have been utilised, even if somewhat
unimaginatively (rather repetitious, over-use of sequence, etc.)
- Melody is reasonably suited to, and generally within the compass of the stipulated instrument
- Dynamics/performance directions are present
10–12 marks |
- The melody lacks overall shape and direction
- Poor maintenance of the style/character of the given opening
- Very repetitious and unimaginative in the use of melodic/rhythmic features of the given opening
- Occasional faults in rhythmic notation
- Melody is not well suited to/does not keep well within the compass of the stipulated instrument
- Dynamics/performance directions sparse and/or inappropriate
7–9 marks |
- The melody is very shapeless and meandering
- Style/character of the given opening not maintained
- No proper attempt to utilise melodic/rhythmic features of the given opening
- Frequent faults in rhythmic notation
- Melody shows no real thought for the practicalities or compass of the stipulated instrument
- Dynamics/performance directions are absent or quite inappropriate